
Digital technology can also make children more susceptible to harm both online and off. Already vulnerable children may be at greater risk of harm, including loss of privacy. ICTs are intensifying traditional childhood risks, such as bullying, and fuelling new forms of child abuse and exploitation, such as ‘made-to-order’ child sexual abuse material and live streaming of child sexual abuse. Predators can more easily make contact with unsuspecting children through anonymous and unprotected social media profiles and game forums. New technologies – like cryptocurrencies and the Dark web – are fuelling live streaming of child sexual abuse and other harmful content and challenging the ability of law enforcement to keep up. Ninety-two percent of all child sexual abuse URLs identified globally by the Internet Watch Foundation are hosted in

just five countries: the Netherlands, the United States, Canada, France, and the Russian Federation. Efforts to protect children need to focus particularly on vulnerable and disadvantaged children, who may be less likely to understand online risks – including loss

of privacy – and more likely to suffer harm. While attitudes vary by culture, children often turn first to their peers when they experience risks and harm online, making it harder for parents to protect their children. The potential impact of ICTs on children’s health and happiness is a matter of growing public concern – and an area that is ripe for further research and data.