
Carol (not her real name) is a 14-year-old girl in Form 1 who was defiled and impregnated by her immediate neighbor. She lives with her 80-year-old grandmother in Igoji, Meru county. This case was brought in by a female Police Officer from the neighboring police station who came across the girl and informed us to see how we would help the girl. Upon receiving the information, we acted fast and decided to fast of all go there and do a background check to know the kind of situation they were in, and they were actually in a very bad situation. They survived by begging for food from their relatives. The grandmother thought that all hope was lost, and we had to do something about it. We then highlighted the story on our social media pages and people came through with different things to offer such as a bed, mattress, duvets, and clothes. 

We then visited them again on Friday, the 20th of May with what we had and we did cleaning and arranged the house in such a way, that Carol’s child will arrive and have a safe and clean space to live in. 

We took care of Carol throughout her pregnancy and ensured that she got the appropriate healthcare and safe delivery and she is now back home with her grandmother. We hope that she will make a quick recovery and go back to school to continue with her studies.

As an organization, we believe in supporting survivors of inhumane acts such as defilement, and ensuring that they do not miss out on education and the opportunity to be like thrive like the rest of their peers.

We welcome well-wishers to assist us in taking Carol through her high school education as she raises her baby. 

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